Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gran's 87th Birthday

We recently celebrated my grandmother's 87th birthday! The family went out to dinner at one of her favorite local restaurants to eat fish and then back to my house for homemade ice cream and chocolate cake. We are so blessed to have the best grandmother in the world. She is amazing. She is the best cook and Sunday lunch at her house is still the best part of the week. She does all, I mean all, of her own yard work and takes care of her home excellently. I hope that I am going to be like her when I am 87, although, to be like her I need to start doing my own yard work now! Happy Birthday Gran! We love You!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Herb Garden

I do not have a green thumb, in fact, it is pretty black. I tend to kill everything. My husband even asked me to please not buy any more plants, but I can't help it. I really want to have one of those beautiful magazine gardens. I've now decided to start small with some containers. I love fresh herbs to cook with and since those small packages at the grocery store are about $4.00 a piece, I decided to start with these type plants. I bought some good soil, peat, and vermiculite. I mixed the soil and planted some in strawberry pots, and some in a clay pot. I love the strawberry pot. It's so cute. I planted thyme, rosemary, oregano, parsley and in a separate pot some mint. I wanted sage, but in the whole town I couldn't find any sage plants. I put these pots on my back deck in a mostly sunny place and now the praying begins. I hope I don't mess up.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pawley's Island

We went to Pawley's again this year. It was wonderful. The children played all day and had fun in the sun. We relaxed and enjoyed the time off from the duties of home. Chris even caught flounder. Aaahh, nothing better than fresh seafood! It was a great vacation and great time with our family.

Crazy, Sporadic Posting

I just cannot seem to post very often. Wow, it's been five months since my last post. I read blogs all the time. There are some I frequent everyday. I'm not sure why I don't post more, but I think it has to do with being a fairly private person. I want to open up and I am transparent to close friends, but it is that ''Who is going to be reading this?" question in my mind that makes me freeze up. It's the same with commenting on others posts. I don't want a lot of people reading what I wanted to say to the author. So why have a blog you may ask? I originally started this blog to share pictures and events with family who live far away. After reading many other blogs, I see how these women use this tool to share their thoughts and feelings and even their ideologies with the world. I like that idea. It's a sort of release or avenue put it out there in the open. I even believe it can be a therapeutic catharsis. I want my blogging to be more personal and more weighty from time to time. I am not going to turn every post into flowery philosophy, but I would like to speak more on the things of which I am most passionate. Don't worry Mom, I am still going to post pictures of the kids :).

Monday, February 11, 2008

I took this picture for a Valentine's Day card that went out to some family members. Its not exactally what I was going for, but it is very hard to get three small children to all smile at the same time and not be goofy. This will have to do! Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I have been thinking a lot lately about what I will resolve to do this year. Many vow to lose 10 pounds or exercise more and though I do not want to be the fattest bridesmaid at my sister's wedding this year, I want my resolution to be something that actually matters. Life is precious and fleeting. The Bible says that we are not promised even another breath. I want the things I say and do and think to have an eternal value. The Scriptures speak of "storing up treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy"; these are the things I should be about. While redecorating the guest room is something I aim to do, I pray for God to help me with some changes in myself. I want to pray more, be more loving, speak with more kindness, enjoy my children more (instead of worrying about the spilled milk or the 101 things they have broken in my house) and last, but certainly not least, to be a better wife to a man who has put me and these precious children above any and everything he has ever wanted for himself. So this is it. And while there are many tasks, chores, letters to write, and weight to lose; I will look beyond the things to do in this world and hope to store up a few of these "treasures in Heaven".