This past Saturday, the girls competed in a district GRPA swim meet. Swim meets are truly the longest days ever! I read a slogan on a T-shirt that said: "If today is my last day left to live, let it be at a swim meet because they last FOREVER!" It's so true. It is a very long day, especially in 100 degree heat and 100% humidity.
Holly and Hannah did very well and will advance to the state meet in Tifton at the end of July. It was Hannah's first meet after only being on the team for a few months now. They have worked very hard and greatly improved their strokes and their times. Competition in Holly's age group is fierce, but she is holding her own and proving herself along the way. I am super proud of their dedication and I love all the great exercise they are getting. It is such a good sport to exercise all areas and not mention the great cardio vascular benefits. There is a saying: "If you think your sport is hard, try doing it holding your breath." It doesn't matter to me whether or not they want to participate in the meets, but I do see the benefits of being part of a team and learning how to compete and be a good sport. And the best part of swimming competition is: "Winning is beating your own time." Whether you come in first or not is not the goal, it's all about doing your best and seeing the small improvements along the way.