Friday, December 14, 2007

I guess I'll never be one of these everyday bloggers. I have a lot to say, just no time to say it. I've been sick this week and add that to teaching, housework, children, wife duties and Christmas preparations; I'm exhausted. I try not to complain because all in all, I know that I am blessed. It's good to stop and think about our blessings, especially when you feel that everything is against you. If we are honest, we realize that life is a gift and our trials, be them great or small, are for our good. We learn the most when we are going through difficult times and as the Bible says we are to "count it all joy, when you face trials of many kinds". Notice that it doesn't say if you face trials, but when you face trials. We all face hardships that God allows us to go through, so that we can either learn something about ourselves or learn something about God. "Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done." When I take time to count my blessings, the things I'm dealing with pale in comparison to the great riches I have in Christ.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big Second Grader, Holly

Holly is loving second grade. She is doing very well and learning lots. We are proud of her. Holly's teacher says she is a hard worker and a kind friend, we couldn't be more pleased.

Kindergarten Fun

Hannah is having a great kindergarten year so far. She has even had her very first spelling test that she made a 100 on. Hannah loves kindergarten. You would to if Mrs. Coffey was your teacher.

Lake Sinclair

I am trying to catch up on some posts. We spent Labor Day weeked with our friends the Lee's and the Scharff's. Here are some pics of the kids having fun on the lake.
My apologies for the slack blog. My circumstances have changed and its taken some time to get back in the swing of things. Since I last blogged, I have gone back to work teaching third grade. It has been quite an adjustment for me and the family. How it all began. I considered returning to teaching at TCS because the girls were there and it sure would be nice to not worry about paying for it. I always thought I would go back to teaching because it was something I liked and found satisfaction in doing. I applied for the job, got hired, and declined the job all in one week. I was in great turmoil over what the best decision was for me and for my family. I decided to stay home, until I got a call two weeks before school started with an earnest plea. The school needed a third grade teacher and had been unable to find a suitable canidate. Again, I felt torn. After much prayer and discussion, I decided to accept the position. So here I am, teaching third grade and trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. It's a lot of work, but I am slowly adjusting to life in the fast lane. Please pray for me that I can be what these students need this year and for my family that we learn how to work through all the transitions and accomplish the tasks that God has given us to do.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I am so excited to have these new pictures of the children. I wanted to share them with all of you. This is probably the last large portrait I'll have made why they are still little. Walt already doesn't look like a baby anymore (boo hoo!). Time flies.

Friday, June 8, 2007

On the Beach

Thanks to our friends, the Spigeners, we spent this past week in N. Litchfield Beach at their wonderful beach home. It is in between Pawley's Island and Myrtle Beach, S.C. It is a great family location! The children had a great time and so did we because everyone smiles and gets along at the beach! It was a great week of relaxing and watching the children enjoy being children, jumping waves and playing in the sand. We also enjoyed fellowshipping with our friends the Wagners, who were staying just one block down from us. Our children wore themselves out everyday and slept very soundly each night. A good time was had by all and we are thankful for the generosity of good friends!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Holly's Last Week in 1st Grade

Holly had a busy week as she finished up first grade. It was a great week and a great year. This week, they had field day and special parties and a honors program to recognize some special achievements. Holly received an award for excellence in Leadership. She has worked hard this year and received all A's all year long! We are proud of Holly and congratulate her on all her successes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Savannah Smiles

Sometimes we forget, or take for granted, that we live so close to a great historical city. Savannah is one of the oldest cities in Georgia and full of wonderful historic homes and, of course, the famous squares that the old city was built around. We took some time recently with the children and walked around downtown Savannah and on River Street. We told them how the cobblestones, that are now streets, were once ship ballasts and that the names of the squares represent real people who lived here long ago. We visited the old ice cream shop that was established in 1919. We showed them the historical home, now a bed and breakfast, that we stayed in the night we were married. We saw four weddings in the parks and watched artists create chalk drawings on sidewalks. It was a great time together and the children learned a little about a great city.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Aristocats

Holly's first grade class performed the Disney movie "The Aristocats" for the school's spring musical. Holly played Madame Bofamille. The children did an great job and Holly was a very convincing rich widow woman, white hair and all.

Easter 2007

We finally got to dress up in our Easter clothes. It was so cold on Easter morning that we had to wear cool weather clothes (what an odd thing in South Georgia). I was a little relieved however, considering that I was under the gun to finish the girls dresses. The weather is now warm, almost hot really, and we can don our Sunday best.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Walt' Third Birthday

Walt had his third birthday on April 7th. We had friends and family over for the celebration. John Deere tractors was the theme and since it was the day before Easter we also had an egg hunt. It was a lot of fun and Walt got his very own "two-wheeler" bicycle as he calls it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I Love Tractors!

On Sunday afternoon, I took the children to the John Deere tractor dealership to take some photos of Walt for his "tractor" birthday party. He had so much fun! It was better than going to the park.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Missionaries visit Trinity

At our yearly mission conference at Trinity Presbyterian, we had the great opportunity to host a missionary couple. Berti and Jenny Kona are missionaries to Albania. Berti is from Albania and his wife is an American, who will be going to Albania for the first time. They met and married in the States and will be returning to Albania in July. Please pray for them and their desire to take the gospel to Albania. Our children thoroughly enjoyed the visitors and ask of them often. It was a great way to expand their world and vision for the lost.

Daytona 500

Recently, Chris had the opportunity to go to The Daytona 500. He went with his friend Greg, who gave him the ticket (thanks, Greg!). He had a great time at this first Daytona experience.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fun Field Trip

Holly's first grade class took a field trip to Oatland Island in Savannah, GA. Oatland Island is a wildlife refuge. We saw Red Fox, Bobcat, Florida Panther or Cougar, Brown Pelicans, an alligator and a snake. It was fun and educational!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Most girls love Valentines Day, But Hannah lives for it. She makes Valentines all year long. It is her best day of the year, besides her birthday, Christmas, Easter and all the other holidays! We had a party for our friends and Hannah and her friend Emmaline were the hostesses! It was a fun day!!!

Holly also loves Heart Day and had a special party at school complete with fun food and lots of pink and red decorations. They made heart shaped containers for all their Valentines and had an blast exchanging cards with classmates!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Visiting the Scharff's

This past weekend we visited our longtime friends, the Scharff's. It was the occasion of Halley Grace Scharff's baptism. Since we had not met the new addition, we took the opportunity to travel down to see everyone. The girls and Walt had a great time playing with their friends and we got to celebrate another covenant child.

I was excited to see Halley in the baptismal gown that I made for her. She looked beautiful!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Giddy-up Cowgirl

On Saturday, the girls went to a birthday party and rode horses. A classmate of Holly's had a super fun birthday party that was all about horses. The girls had a great time and Hannah who said she wasn't sure about riding was the most difficult to convince that it was time to go home.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Check-up Time

As you can see from the picture, Walt is not excited about this visit to his cardiologist, but he should be. We got a good report and do not have to have a recheck for six more months, providing no more episodes. For those who may not know, Walt has a heart condition known as SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia), that is just a fancy medical term that means fast heart rate. He was diagnosed at 15 months old when at a doctors visit (I thought he had an ear ache, because of crying and a runny nose). His heart was beating 280 beats per minute. After some tests, they determined his arrhythmia. He is doing well now that we have his medications regulated. He has to take medicine three times a day, eight hours apart and will continue to do that until he is old enough to have a procedure in Atlanta called catheter ablation to correct the problem. It is not a serious heart problem, but one that requires our attention and monitoring.

We are thankful to God for Walt's good progress and medications that help to keep his heart beating normally. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Walt. He is doing great!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Meet the Smiths

This is my first post, so it is an introduction of sorts. I am excited about this great way to share with all of you the things going on in our lives. My husband, Chris , owns a business and I am at home with our three children, Holly (7), Hannah (5), and Walt (2). In addition to that whirlwind, I design and create children's french handsewn clothing.