Saturday, January 5, 2008


I have been thinking a lot lately about what I will resolve to do this year. Many vow to lose 10 pounds or exercise more and though I do not want to be the fattest bridesmaid at my sister's wedding this year, I want my resolution to be something that actually matters. Life is precious and fleeting. The Bible says that we are not promised even another breath. I want the things I say and do and think to have an eternal value. The Scriptures speak of "storing up treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy"; these are the things I should be about. While redecorating the guest room is something I aim to do, I pray for God to help me with some changes in myself. I want to pray more, be more loving, speak with more kindness, enjoy my children more (instead of worrying about the spilled milk or the 101 things they have broken in my house) and last, but certainly not least, to be a better wife to a man who has put me and these precious children above any and everything he has ever wanted for himself. So this is it. And while there are many tasks, chores, letters to write, and weight to lose; I will look beyond the things to do in this world and hope to store up a few of these "treasures in Heaven".

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