Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crazy, Sporadic Posting

I just cannot seem to post very often. Wow, it's been five months since my last post. I read blogs all the time. There are some I frequent everyday. I'm not sure why I don't post more, but I think it has to do with being a fairly private person. I want to open up and I am transparent to close friends, but it is that ''Who is going to be reading this?" question in my mind that makes me freeze up. It's the same with commenting on others posts. I don't want a lot of people reading what I wanted to say to the author. So why have a blog you may ask? I originally started this blog to share pictures and events with family who live far away. After reading many other blogs, I see how these women use this tool to share their thoughts and feelings and even their ideologies with the world. I like that idea. It's a sort of release or avenue put it out there in the open. I even believe it can be a therapeutic catharsis. I want my blogging to be more personal and more weighty from time to time. I am not going to turn every post into flowery philosophy, but I would like to speak more on the things of which I am most passionate. Don't worry Mom, I am still going to post pictures of the kids :).

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